Help with caponizing


7 Years
Jul 14, 2012
Yakima Washington
I would like to caponize my rooster as he is really harming my hens that are 4 years old. He was to be a she, but just my luck he wasn't. He is the funniest thing ever, but has really torn up my old hens backs and has even drawn blood on several of them. He is 3 months old, is that too old. Also do I take him to someone local or another option. Also what about costs. I really love him it would love to have a nice rooster who won't harm my hens. He also chases away all other people but me and my dog. I'm not worried about the eggs or anything, it's the fact that he's harming the hens and chasing people.
You can read more about caponizing in our meat birds forum. It is usually done much younger than 3 months, and is not entirely safe, nor is it commonly done in the US. I imagine it would be difficult to find a vet, even an avian vet, who would do it for you. The video I saw of it being done was filmed in China, as I recall.

Most people just pen the bird separately if they want to keep him. Would saddles on your hens help prevent the damage he is doing?
I would prefer not to pen him. I know we do have an avian vet only 20min away from us, it's just that the cost I'm concerned about. All my chickens have about 1 acre and a half fenced in(because of the dogs) to roam around in, they don't have a run because they come out the coop door(a hole in the coop with a small dogie door) and run around all day and put them selfs to bed each night. I am concerned about him being older and would prefer to find him a good home around where I live where he wouldn't be eaten or be used for fighting, which most roosters are used for in our area which makes me very angry.
I have 6, 4 year olds, 2, 2 year olds, 5 3 month olds, and the chicks in the gerage in a apple bin that are 2 weeks old. I'm trying to find a home for him, and I feel bad to lock him up because he's used to running around, he also has a panic attack and starts to pase anted he gets so hot he almost overheats.
You can try to twist off his spurs. I do this once per year. Take a paper towel soaked in olive oil and hold it to the base of the spur for about a minute. Then take a pair of pliers and grip the spur at the base. Slowly twist back and forth until u feel it give. The spur will come off revealing a red blood covered quick. It will usually not drip blood. I do this right before bed and then carefully put the roo on the roost. The quick is usually dry by morning. I just keep my eye on him for a day or so. He never flinches, so I do not think he even feels it. Just a thought...
You can try to twist off his spurs. I do this once per year. Take a paper towel soaked in olive oil and hold it to the base of the spur for about a minute. Then take a pair of pliers and grip the spur at the base. Slowly twist back and forth until u feel it give. The spur will come off revealing a red blood covered quick. It will usually not drip blood. I do this right before bed and then carefully put the roo on the roost. The quick is usually dry by morning. I just keep my eye on him for a day or so. He never flinches, so I do not think he even feels it. Just a thought...

He has no spurs yet, I'm sure he will later but he's too young right now. I know before we gave my 3 Salmon Faverolle rooster away, they were almost a year old and never developed spurs. I only gave them away because the lady really loved them, and roosters, but I knew they were going to a good home, they were the best roosters ever, they never pecked and keyed the stray animals away. She also decided to cross breed them with some of her other hens so it worked for everyone. I'm so far trying to find this guy a home, his name is Rascal which fits him well, people are only looking but it is hard trying to re home roosters but in time something good will happen with him.
He's really a good protecter of all the chickens but their all scared of him and are constantly running to my feet when I go out. He really needs a good home he is a great rooster but the hens are more important than he is.
Wait a minute; did you say that at three months of age he is threatening every human except you??? And he's injuring mature hens??? This is not a good boy! He's already gone beyond the pale, IMO, and will only escalate his behavior. Mary

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