Is this a suitable home for ducks?


6 Years
Jul 17, 2013

This is where I keep my ducks. At night, I put them in the kennel to settle down a bit and then in that smaller cage just as it gets dark out. I let them out of the cage and the kennel every morning so they have free range of my completely fenced in yard all day. I was wondering if they'd be safe all night in just the larger dog kennel. My yard is completely fenced in with no access to any nearby woods. I would just hate to find out the kennel is not safe enough when my little ducklings get eaten!! :( Thanks!
I'd string some hardware cloth along the bottom 18" or so, but other than that, I think it should be fine. Ducks seem to like to sleep wherever, and you don't want something grabbing them when they're sleeping.

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