
We r new chicken owners. We love them a ton and worry sosmthing will ha
Uh....the rest of your post is missing...eek!
You were going to ask something about hawks perhaps? Please re-post!!
I put a post in the ground (leaving about 3 feet above ground) and set up thick tree branches around it like an upside down umbrella frame.
I deal with a lot of hawks- With these placed inside of the pen or around the yard, the chickens can run under the branches for cover. I haven't lost a single bird to a hawk since I used this system. I can send pics if it will help.
My chickens have plenty of sheltering bushes and shrubs nearby all the time that they are out. Usually, the crows run the hawks off. We have hawks here from time to time.

I have a rooster, who would likely be the first victim. When a hawk comes, he alerts and stands out in the open making a racket. My Australian Shepherds are keenly interested in the hawks as well.

We have lots of rabbits, squirrels, and chipmunks that are not in the fenced area.

I hope that I don't lose a chicken to a hawk, but nature is like that.

It really is :(. And its a double loss in a way. They can't free range anymore. They will have a 25x50 area with a poultry net, but they loose the 5 acres they are used to. I miss so badly having them great me at my front door or peeking in my windows to see what I'm doing :(. Stupid hawk! I keep getting told that I'm over reacting, that it was a fluke and not likely to happen again. That's great, so I should use my very loved chickens as guinea pigs to see if the hawk will come back? We live in 5 acres of woods surrounded by 1000's of wooded state land. I think the chances are pretty good there is more than one hawk.
TCChickies13 can you send me pics of what you have. I lost one Sunday and don't want to confine my girls but it's new property with no trees yet.
Thank you! I'm a little tired of people telling me its fine to free range them that I over reacted. No one on here, people IRL who know less about this than I do lol. Cordelia was taken by a hawk, can't really hurt to protect the rest.

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