rebuilding flock


5 Years
Jul 23, 2014
We recently had predators wipe out our entire flock except one pullet. My question is do I get more chicks or more pullets? What is best for the bird I have? If I get chicks, will the pullet beat them up? If I get pullets, will they beat my bird up?
Either way, you will have some adjustment issues. I have done both. Hens would probably be the easier way to go. BUT not as much fun as chicks and you never know for sure how old the hens are that you purchase. Easiest way to integrate is (after quarantine time period is over) to set it up so that the new birds are contained/caged so that both the new birds and survivor can see each other and peck at each other thru the cage for a few days/week. Then let them out together when you have time to monitor, and if possible when they can free range so they have a lot of space. Good luck and sorry to hear about the loss of your other birds.

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