
if you are not going to do it right the bird suffers more and swing it around is cruel will pm you
I'm so happy my husband handles these types of thing.....I think breaking the neck for someone who has never done it might be difficult. I would recommend putting the bird in a cloth bag to relax it and then smashing its sounds super awful but if I had no one to help me and I am by no means experienced in these things, that what I would do. When I used to have to clean my birds feet by myself I would put them in a black sock that was tight to hold the wings together and keep them in the dark to keep them calm....It worked really well I would flip them on there back and get there feet all nice for show with no struggles....just make sure you know where the poor things head is.
I know they also make human euthanize stuff for fish you can buy at pet stores like petsmart or petco (its chemically based).....If they have it for fish...maybe birds????I would do some research on chemically based human euthanize for birds on the net.....I know they are rather sensitive animals...might be something out there that would just "put them to sleep"

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