When do I change my chicks feed


5 Years
Jun 5, 2014
My chicks are now 9 weeks old and I was wondering when I switch them on to grower or layer feed I am introducing them to my adult flock at 14 weeks and I don't know how I will manage feeding if they can't have layer feed ?? Help !! And I am going to make a bachelor pad and I don't know what to feed them because presumably they can't have layer feed?

Thanks in advance
When you introduce them at 14 weeks, switch ALL your birds to Growers Pellets instead of layers and provide seperate calcium (usually in the form of oyster shell) so that your layers can top up when they need to. Feeding high-calcium layers pellets to your youngsters is not good for them but the laying hens will get everything they need from the growers and oyster shell. Your batchelors can have growers too.
I'm glad you asked this question. And thanks for the information. This has been a little fuzzy in my mind, too.

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