What should i name/do with an aggressive chicken?


5 Years
Jul 30, 2014
I have six hens that are about four months now. one of them, a Rhode island Red, now has aggressive traits. Shes always been spicy, but now i'm starting to wonder how she would taste spiced........ These chickens are my first, so killing one would feel like a failure. I still don't know what to name her because i felt like a sweet old lady name was wrong for her... any ideas for a name? Or should i even bother with it because ill end up with her on a plate anyway?
in one breath youre talking about wondering what seasings to put on her, the next your wondering what to name her LOL.
Are you sure they are not overcrowded?
Do you make sure the feeder is always full? hungry chickens get more cranky and aggressive with eachother.
Are you POSITIVE she is not a HE, and actually a rooster??
If none of the above questions apply to you heres my advice:
Separate her for a few days. ( 5 days is ideal ) This solitary confinement will help reduce her dominant ego ( in theory ) - then try returning her to the rest of the birds. If she goes right back to her aggressive bullying behavior Id say you should seriously consider using her as a meat bird. Keep in mind though some chickens are a little bit more sassy and unless she is pulling out other birds feathers, drawing blood, or keeping birds away from the food or water I would not worry that much.
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