Help! How to stop my hen from annoyingly crowing like a rooster

We have a black-sex link that likes too walk around crowing like a rooster… We do not have any roosters and are not intending to get one… How do you think I can stop her from crowing??
I have seven roosters and two copper maran hens who think they are roosters. I tossed both of them out of the hen house but one got sexually attacked by two roosters so she went immediately back into the hen house. She periodically mounts other hens as well. Yes she is a hen NOT a rooster. I dont know why the copper marans think they are roosters...they are kind of big. Im guess they are just dumb chickens. Good luck in getting yours to shut up...mine wont shut up for five minutes and they all crow when I go to work at 10pm.
I also have a weirdo hen that crows. She's always been strange - I bought sexed pullet chicks but I wasn't convinced that she was a "she" until I finally caved and sent her feathers in for sexing at 9 months old. She's always been way larger than the other hens, has spurs, a huge comb and is constantly mistaken for "our huge rooster." While the other pullets started laying around 5 months old, she didn't lay her first egg until about 2 weeks ago - at almost a year old. I don't believe she's laid any others, but now she crows every day since then. It's not quite the same as our rooster's crow, but more of a strange, deep, cow-like crow. Our rooster still mounts her occasionally, but she's at the bottom of the pecking order so she tends to shy away from the group more often than not.
This hen started crowing. I’m in a subdivision. I don’t know if she quit laying. I don’t have any roos. I had to run outside at 6:00 am to make her stop. It was pretty loud.

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