Help please! Gender and breed? RIR and americauna

Yes 10 weeks old. Thank you! Yes a very pretty bird. Hoping she is a she.
Your bird is lovely too!
Fingers crossed!
I think they are all four pullets. Many EE's are sold as Ameracaunas. There are differences (such as leg color), but I'm not expert on the differences. I only have one (which did turn out to be an Ameracauna).

I have two RIRs. Those two are pullets for sure, though as "production reds" they do look a little different than my RIRs. They lay like there is no tomorrow. Not super friendlly, but no trouble at all. I'd like to have a few more, honestly.
Close up off "her" comb today.
I believe this chick is a pullet. Keep in mind I have only had one Ameracauna that is just a little older than yours, but mine looked like yours at that age. I don't see anything that says cockerel to me. My girl hatched out about April 13 or so, and her comb is just now pinking up, so I hope we will have some eggs from her soon. She's a pretty girl (90% sure). My other breeds mostly have giant combs and wattles (even the girls), so when I have one that doesn't generally have much of a comb/wattles, I feel just a little less sure. However, I also don't see any pointed saddle feathers on your chick, either. They are nicely rounded as they should be on a pullet.

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