Sprouts wont... sprout?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 20, 2014
Bay Area, California
I grow sprouts for my four hens to eat and pull at, but recently most of the clover seeds wont sprout. Before I was using lentils, and those worked great, and even when I started using clover it was fine. It has just been these last few batches where like 80% of the seeds wont even germinate.

I use a tin cake pan with holes punched in it to sprout my seeds. Only the seeds along the edges of the tins are doing well. The rest get really slimy, and develop a smell... Do you think it could be it isn't draining correctly?

Here are some pictures:

These are all the sprouts I got from today's collection. Usually I can fill two suet cages with one tin of seeds. This is from two tins of seeds.

This is my newest "batch" of seeds. Only the seeds along the edges are doing well.

The two tins I collected from this morning (I moved some of the seeds around) this is after I picked out all the good sprouts.

The seeds that remain are really slimy and kinda smell.

I'd appreciate any tips! I like to give my chickens sprouts because we are having landscaping done and they can't be let out to free range. They really like the sprouts. Thanks!
They must not be getting rinsed well, and then drained well.

did the other seeds work well in that same set-up?

Maybe the clover seeds are more picky than the others? (I haven't tried clover that I remember).
Both the lentils and the first few batches of clover did very well in this setup. I soaked some radish seeds this morning and punched some more holes in my cake tin. Hopefully it is just that it needs better drainage.
I have done radish seeds before, and they did well for me (and I do not have a good set-up, so I think that means that radish seeds rate as easy)
The other thing that I thought about....

since the first few batches did well, but not the last few

- maybe the trays got some bad yeast whatever on them and need to be scrubbed super well

- maybe the seeds themselves got something bad/yeasty something on them and just need to be rinsed lots more often during the day.

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