Problem making decision

Great! I hope it helps.

Have you considered having one of the poultry/immunology vets studying Marek's go over your FAQs? It's worth asking.

I would love for someone that specializes in Marek's disease and knows it much more innately as well as scientifically to go over and fact-check my FAQ! So far I have not had any luck getting in contact with anyone that has written me back. I even gave my avian specialist vet a printed copy, but understandably she is too busy to go over it in detail with me. I regret I don't have more time to chase this... I do this in my free time for no gain and admittedly my life has been nothing short of chaotic this year. If anyone knows someone that is an expert in Marek's professionally that would review my FAQ that would be great. All I ask is that said person keep two things in mind 1) It is written for the layman backyard and hobbyist keeper and things are simplified and explained much more casually than they normally would be for ease of understanding, and 2) It attempts to take into the account the nearly infinite variables that come into play in backyard chicken husbandry, which is very very different than commercial flocks in terms of biosecurity and environmental factors.
Some of my family members get irate when they learn that I've taken chickens to a vet before. Chickens! They sputter. As if a loved animal is worth more than another just because of social reasons. So I understand. Each of my birds are special and my heart breaks when they go before their time.

Tridentk9, great links, thank you!

I've updated the FAQ with my tentative knowledge of diagnosis. It's a work in progress.

Now that was well put. Value due to social reasons.
Nambroth, I didn't know that your FAQ won a BYC award ! It really did deserve one.

I have another one who is skinny wasted, eats, but stands and closes her eyes. I'm going to treat for enteritis because of the last necropsy. Certainly can't treat for Marek's. I think I'll partially separate her because she looks like she could use the peace. She was vaccinated. If I send her for a necropsy, it will be interesting to see what the results are. She's having a heavy molt as well.

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