
There are several ways to sex ducks:

  • Voice. Males will be quieter and raspier; you'll never hear them quack like the females. Females quack loudly.
  • Sex feathers. Once they feather in, males will develop "sex feathers" on top of the tail. These feathers are curly. A male will usually have 2-4 of them. A female will not get them.
  • Color. In many ducks (not Pekins, unfortunately), the males will be a brighter and different color than the females.

Hope this helps! If one duck is noisier than the other, its probably a female. If they're all feathered in, look at the sex feathers.
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Glad you joined us!

How old are they? If they are older than 4 months or so, you can tell by looking for curled sex feathers on their tails. Only drakes will have sex feathers.

If they're younger, it can be harder to tell. One difference, though, is voice. Female ducks are very noisy. They make the classic "Quack-quack" noise that everyone thinks of when they see a duck. The drakes, on the other hand, are relatively silent. If they make any noise at all, it is more of a raspy, soft noise.
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Hello there and welcome to BYC!

You have been given some great advice! Enjoy your ducks and welcome to our flock!

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