Why are my hens eggs getting smaller and smaller?


5 Years
Aug 2, 2014
Ok my first layer is my baby girl an Americana named Timid.
She layed her first egg about 2 1/2 months ago now. Her first 2 weeks of eggs were small then one day they just got huge as big as store-bought eggs. She layed about 8 that size then her eggs slowly got smaller. At first I didn't worry because I thought she just wasn't getting enough hoppers. So I started letting them out at 8am instead of 9 30 that helped for a while she layed about 3 big eggs then stopped laying big eggs at all. I've tried walking her down to where the biggest grass hoppers nothing. The other hens eggs are now bigger then hers. I thought It could be the heat(live in Texas the high usually around 100) but I put a fan on her nothing. Help please.
Ok my first layer is my baby girl an Americana named Timid.
She layed her first egg about 2 1/2 months ago now. Her first 2 weeks of eggs were small then one day they just got huge as big as store-bought eggs. She layed about 8 that size then her eggs slowly got smaller. At first I didn't worry because I thought she just wasn't getting enough hoppers. So I started letting them out at 8am instead of 9 30 that helped for a while she layed about 3 big eggs then stopped laying big eggs at all. I've tried walking her down to where the biggest grass hoppers nothing. The other hens eggs are now bigger then hers. I thought It could be the heat(live in Texas the high usually around 100) but I put a fan on her nothing. Help please.

Can anyone answer this question???

I don't have an answer but hope someone with experience will respond.

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