Help! Sick Isbar hen

Unfortunately I don't have a barn to put her in. I'm in Texas so the low for this evening is 80°.
The Tyan won't help it's either MG or fungal either way I had two birds almost kill my whole flock until I found 100 percent copper sulfate. Saved my whole flock. I now give to all new birds and my flock during the rainy season. Totally safe you can still use eggs
Copper sulfate? Where from & how much do you give? I've had mycoplasma on the property and every year a few (out of 40ish) will get sick, and half of those die. I logged in to search resistant breeds (is Isbar?) and found this thread.
Thanks :)
Good to know about copper sulfate! I've been dealing with mycoplasma (I believe) as well. It started off in a few chicks and has spread quickly. I've been giving them sulmet and the chicks healed quickly. I now have a hen that can't seem to get rid of whatever it is. The symptoms throughout all of mine have been the same so you'd think that if the sulmet worked on others it would work on her as well.
I was told to use denagard, from valley vet supply, 8-10cc/gal, for the first week of each month. It's expensive, plus I sell organic eggs, so I'll give this a whirl!

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