Does it hurt?

And don't go around them with flip flops or bare feet…have read others experiences that the chickens will peck toes..don't think that would be much fun
Mine don’t bother my feet. Maybe if I have a little dirt on them I’ll get a little peck. I actually search this topic and found this. It was helpful. Mine are teenagers. I have 4 and fed them since babies. They are over excited about treats and it started off gentle and frantic but now it hurts. Today I fed them and said owww the whole time and just put it on the ground at the very end. It’s the small stuff they hurt me with like meal worms and shelled sunflower seeds. I know it’s not intentional but I feel like I’m being bitten by tweezers. Foods I can hold and not get hurt are cobs of corn, banana and bigger pieces of fruit like cut watermelon and apples and greens to. Bread is ok but sometimes they will catch my fingers in attempt to rip of a larger piece. It hurts but doesn’t break the skin. Still hurts enough for me to not want to hand feed anymore though. Just searched this to see if it was normal or if my chickens are just psychotic LOL .
This is my experience with the four together. I’m not sure if it would be better with just one. They get frantic because they are trying to eat fast so the others can’t get it all. So maybe one on one could be better. Good luck with that though. Mine all come running if they think I have anything. I don’t even need to call them most times now

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