broody hen set on eggs for one night only...EGGS STILL OK?


7 Years
Oct 20, 2012
Southern Oregon
I thought my hen went broody...gave her eggs i'd been saving...she stopped setting this morning and hasn't went back to eggs,( it cold and rainy today)...are the eggs still ok, if she goes back later? or should i pull them and wait a day or two? Mainly just want to know if eggs are still good after being warmed for a night? Thanks~
I thought my hen went broody...gave her eggs i'd been saving...she stopped setting this morning and hasn't went back to eggs,( it cold and rainy today)...are the eggs still ok, if she goes back later? or should i pull them and wait a day or two? Mainly just want to know if eggs are still good after being warmed for a night? Thanks~

If she just set on them overnight then the chances of anything happening are slim, I believe they need to sit for a full 24 hours thus bringing the internal temperature of the egg to 99 degrees or more.. I have eaten eggs that were laid late in the day and I didn't catch and were sat on through the night...
As far as holding them for a few days to see if she goes broody, I would to be safe, start fresh... Let her sit on fake eggs for several days to ensure she is truly broody, I measure my hens broodiness by allowing her four days of continual sitting day and night before I put fertile eggs under her.
Quote: Thank you so much... i tried finding the information on my own... i was so hoping someone would read this and get back to me...i'll go collect them now... thank you thank you thank you!!!
Thank you so much... i tried finding the information on my own... i was so hoping someone would read this and get back to me...i'll go collect them now... thank you thank you thank you!!!

Your welcome... I know how frustrating it can be to wait for an answer..

As an aside, its 4 days and nights I want my broodys to sit before I give her eggs

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