Eric has brought a chick home


10 Years
Nov 9, 2013
I won't be able to provide updates. But for long timers:

Eric -- now under periodic observation for nearly seven years -- has just turned up (I thought he might) with last Winter's clutch.

BUt it's just one chick. His name shall be 'Uno.'

Magnificent Spring storm here today.

Well, it's the way here to not interfere, Ella -- but he/she shall be stuffed full of nutritious wheat before Dad Plus hits the road for next season's pastures.

we are old timers now, sheriff
your birds are fine looking as always -- i remember the old site, with Gaol and Saloon!

for seven springs i have seen eric quitely standing under the early plum tree on the garden fence, the parrots knock the plums down as they feed
three times in that seven he has had clutches
2009 greedy felicity number one -- i think greedy is dead no sighting for two years
'sassy bird' turned out to be number one come home after her injuries and drama
got a look at her leg one rainy afternoon -- my eyes -- can see the wire scars plainly

2012 alpha and omega chicks
2014 uno chick
now comes to within about eight feet
discovered dates just yesterday

Your eyesight might be poor but your memory is remarkable! I have a couple of people interested in eggs or chicks this year so I might actually try to hatch some again. I am hoping Chica lays eggs this year. She is the one who has done all the posing and preening for two years but didn't start laying last year like Loca did.

Chica has been following me and letting me pet het again so i wonder if she is ready. The boys are "dolts" for lack of a better word, so I don't know if they would even know what to do. I love them all and can't imagine this little farm without them. I do envy your studying them in the wild. What a gift.


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