Help ?


5 Years
Nov 25, 2014
Hi I am trying to identify some chickens we have been donated on our kids project can anyone help us please ?

I work with ADHD young people and we will attempt to pair these once we have identified them hopefully with the members help
Hi I am trying to identify some chickens we have been donated on our kids project can anyone help us please ?
game hen
leghorn or ancona hen
mix breed rooster
might be a black andalusian

might be a blue rose comb bantam

might be a salmon faverolle but he is missing his beard and muffs, Does he have 5 toes?

barred rock rooster


Some look to have ruff leg scales, might want to treat for scaly leg mites or it could be due to age.

pretty much agree on the above answers. I don't know exactly what your program is, but you've got some birds there that are traditionally more flighty, and lots of roosters. Not really the best group if you're looking for docile, pet type birds.
Game breed/oriental breed mix, hen.
Ancona or Mottled Leghorn, hen.
Mixed breed rooster.
Likely a mix. Could have Black Minorca, Black Australorp, or Black Andalusian in her.

Might be a Splash Rosecomb bantam mix, hen.

Mixed breed rooster. Possibly Salmon Faverolles mix.

Barred Plymouth Rock, rooster.

Maybe a Saxony duck.

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