Storing Fertile Eggs


5 Years
Jul 19, 2014
Austin Texas
I have 10 eggs left over and want to save them for the next round of hatching, which will be in 3 plus weeks. I am storing them in a dark cabinet that will be in cool/room temperature. How long will eggs remain fertile and viable before they are not candidates for incubating to hatch? Should I just go ahead and eat these?
I have 10 eggs left over and want to save them for the next round of hatching, which will be in 3 plus weeks. I am storing them in a dark cabinet that will be in cool/room temperature. How long will eggs remain fertile and viable before they are not candidates for incubating to hatch? Should I just go ahead and eat these?
This is the recommendation: Eggs 10 days and younger are the best. After 2 weeks you significantly decrease the percentage of hatchability. A lot of people won't hatch eggs older than 7 days. The older the egg, the higher probability of it not hatching or having problems with the chicks that do hatch.

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