Swollen eye - Sinus Infection or what?


6 Years
Apr 10, 2013
I have a hen that has a swollen eye. The eye is so large that it has changed her beak where it doesnt open and shut on top of each other. It has been at least two weeks since she has had it. I have given her medicated food and water and the swelling doesn't go down. I talked to the vet and explained the symptoms and he said she has a sinus infection. He prescribed Gentamicin sulfate to give by mouth. She eats and drinks fine. I have her separated from the other chickens. To touch the swollen eye is warm to the touch but not squishy. I poked it with a needle and only blood came out. Any ideas?
Thanks I was hoping I didn't have to perform surgery.....but looks like I have to!

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