Chicken shows?

Oh gosh, that's hilarious.

I remember not liking the people on either side of that rooster debate; the guy wad convinced he was the victim and not doing anything wrong, and the neighbors were all angry city slickers. It was hard to sympathize with anyone.

Right!? It definitely was. I don't think I laughed at the time but I was just like ".....what?" xD

Yeah, me too! lol the neighbor's were annoying but the guy was obnoxious too. But yeah, the people were way too overdramatic. Like at the beginning with all their descriptions of the sounds, I LOL'd XD

The guy though. GAHHH.

"I checked with the zoning people before moving here and they said everything should be okay. Next thing I know, I'm being sued."

Yeah, okay to keep chickens or a rooster or few, not 20 or 100 aha

"If you don't want to hear a rooster, don't move to the country."

Again, A rooster, not 100
But besides that part, he had a point. they shouldnt have moved there if they didnt like roosters lol

and on that note, the neighbors were so annoying

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