Warning against using heat lamps in winter

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5 Years
Nov 11, 2014
I have raised five chickens from hatchlings. Last night, our coop burned to the ground after the heat lamp sparked on a something. We lost all five chickens in the fire. I am heartbroken! Hopefully, our tragedy can warn others.

Temperatures had dropped to -20 windchill this week in our area. Our chicks did not actually need a heat lamp...I just felt bad for them and wanted to provide some warmth. They were doing just fine in their small coop without the lamp. Please please learn from me and choose another option. We are lucky our house didn't burn down too since the coop was right next to it.

Feeling horrible today!! I loved these chickens as much as any pet I have had! So sad ."
So very sorry for your loss, and thanks for the warning to others. This happens to too many flocks every year. You were trying to help them, but you are correct in saying that they DID NOT need the supplemental heat.
oh you were so lucky not to lose your house, or someone in the house.

A terrible reminder to others on here, a heat lamp is hot, unsupervised in flamable material is dangerous. Extension cords are also dangerous.
Be careful people.

Mrs K
So sorry for your loss and scary experience! Thank you, though, for sharing it here for those who are wondering if they need to provide supplemental heat. I hope you rebuild your coop and flock so you can once again enjoy having chickens.
I'm so sorry! I, too, have been tempted to put some heat in my little chicken coop, but I've been afraid of a fire. Thanks for the confirmation about my decision not to. Again, I'm so sorry!
That really scares me. In Notth Dakota, we've been having actual temps of -20 plus strong wind. How cold is just too cold. I run a heat lamp and a have a heated base to keep their water from freezing.
Thank you for the warning. Last year was about the coldest most miserable winter on record. I had a smaller coop and not as many chickens and they did fine. Some of my friends used light but no heat but I whined to my husband I thought we needed heat, but he worried about fire. I did some supplemental reading that said the most chickens were lost in the more southern states and more were lost with heat lamps. It seems that if the chickens have heat and the temperature plummets and electricity is lost in a storm and the heat goes out, the chickens die. After that I don't worry as much. They have a nice coop, warm bedding, great food and treats and they seem fine.

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