New with a lot of questions

Can anyone post a video or link to a video that shows Mareks diseaseor do you recognize the following symptoms? I have one girl that is going in circles, more like spinning in circles: as though she was just turning around and around, her toes are not splayed apart and her legs are bending in odd ways. She is hanging out on the floor by a roost pole support, in my mind I feel as if she is doing so to keep her equilibrium, almost like a drunk person holding the wall to steady themselves. She has great difficulty in reaching the food and water, I'm putting some in front of her where she sits but getting to the feeder is hard for her. Yes I searched it, so many hits, so much not what I'm looking
Here are pics of pertinent pages from my chicken health handbook. Click on the photo to enlarge. It does not sound like Mareks from your description. On the second page it could be one of those listed near the bottom (rickets or toxoplasmosis) maybe you could do a searchon those diseases and find more information... Sorry about your chicken.



So here I am months later...I ended up getting 2 roosters in my pullets, one Rhode Island (Bob), and one Black Australorp (Jerry) they get along fine. The girls are doing great, they began laying a few weeks ago and I am selling them to friends and co-workers. I also have 10 Guineas that are coming along well. I've had adventures with an egg eater and a couple escapists but they are all happy and fun to watch. I am very glad I over-sized the run since it took them about two weeks of access to it to make it almost devoid of plant life. The pullet that has leg trouble is still with us, she gets around a little better now and I make sure she gets her share of treats and scratch, as well as making sure she can and does eat and drink. One of the Rhode Island Red pullets is trying very hard to be broody, But even with so many boxes for them to lay in as you all predicted they seem to make the daily lay a communal thing and stuff themselves into the same box 3, 4, and even 5 at a time. I knew it would be great having them but this is ridiculous! Thanks again!
They are beautiful! Glad things are going well and you are enjoying your chickens. They are great entertainment!

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