Dirty Duck Thread - Add your own pics!

Tevyes Dad

Leader of the Quack
8 Years
Apr 22, 2014
OK everybody. We all know that various breeds of ducks are beautiful in their own ways and that ducklings are the cutest poultry out there, but nothing catches the duck personality like getting dirty. In duck mathematics, dirt + water = joy. Soooooooo show your pictures of your dirty ducks having fun!


Muddy Hazel
I figure as winter turns into spring that there will be plenty of opportunities :D
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Ooohhhh I'll have to get some pics, between the ground freezing then unthawing daily they are always a muddy mess!
My pretty pekin doesn't like to stay pretty and white for long, lol. I'll add a couple pics when I get my laptop back, as I can't post pics from my phone for some reason.

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