Baby Girl still got diaherre and some green poo


7 Years
Nov 23, 2013
I asked other day.. She will be 1 yr old next month a Barr Rock.. she has had diaheree for about 2 or 3 days some... it has som yellow..light yellow but some green too.
not sure how much she is eating in this cold weather.. we gave her some mixed up antibiotiv last night and put it in their water. But I dont think she is drinking any.. probably drinking melted snow...
She was puffed up and saking her head quite a bit too. course it has been pretty cold outside. Really cold tonite. so I have her in the bathroom overnight..
bought som Tylan Hubby gave her an injection.. number "8" n the 1/2 cc syringe...
How often does she get a dose?
Now later I red Tylan is for respiratory. she does not seem to have a resp problem...
read should have given er Baytril. Had to drive 40 miles to see a vet who treated her but no dealing with chickens much.. that was i July or so.. Had a left over dose from July visit to a vet. but it must have been dried up.. syringe broke
Vets around here dont want to see chickens.. Most deal mostly with dogs cats, prob cows and horses...
I wormed all of them back in summer late or fall. used Safeguard and the lots later bought Valzaben...
so also read green poop can be end stage for egg yol perotitis... Baby Girl does not lay eggs since her 1/2 dozen pratice eggs and occ a shriveled up "fart egg" or on poop bd occ. tiny and broken and shriveled etc...
Course the cold and snow keeps me from wacthing her more ...and have new set of chicks in house got them Feb 10th
what do I do.. It supp to be bitter cold next days....????
thanks yall
You did the right thing bringing here inside. I'd get ready to keep a chicken in your bathroom for a minute.

Does her abdomen feel spongy and "full" or hard? If she hasn't laid eggs for a while and she *should* be, something is definitely awry. :(

Yellow and green poops are a sign of internal laying (aka Egg yolk peritonitis), as is lethargy and being all fluffed. Have you noticed her walking upright like a penguin or anything?

Shaking her head could be a sign of mites/lice. Have you dusted your flock with Sevin dust lately?

Worming should be done at least once a year (maybe twice) with Valbazen. I would consider worming your flock again soon.

***IF*** it is peritonitis, there is no treatment for it. The only thing you can do is keep her comfortable until she dies or you cull her to end her misery. It's caused by E. coli bacteria that can spread, so it is imperative you keep the water clean and watch for other symptoms in your birds after separation.

Obesity and contaminated, dirty water are the enemies of backyard flocks. I'm curious what you feed your flock.

Sorry about your girl. I hope it's anything but peritonitis.

so do I give her another dose Of Tylan or what????? and how often
She eats the same thing as the other two hens... thet lay almost every day... they get Organic Layer pellets and acess to a mixture of wheat, corn, millet,milo, Boss, a few peanuts, maybe a few millworms and all he bugs, worms they can dig up.. Plus normally they range in a 100 by 100 area plus. THEN, before bed they range most of rest of property they also get Probiotics, Lylelytes by Manna pro.Plenty of clean water with ACV....
Hate to return her yet to the freezing temp outside
thank you
so do I give her another dose Of Tylan or what????? and how often
She eats the same thing as the other two hens... thet lay almost every day... they get Organic Layer pellets and acess to a mixture of wheat, corn, millet,milo, Boss, a few peanuts, maybe a few millworms and all he bugs, worms they can dig up.. Plus normally they range in a 100 by 100 area plus. THEN, before bed they range most of rest of property they also get Probiotics, Lylelytes by Manna pro.Plenty of clean water with ACV....
Hate to return her yet to the freezing temp outside
thank you

If she's acting unusual (hunched and puffed), keep her inside.

As you said, Tylan is for respiratory infections and won't help ***IF*** this is EYP. I wouldn't give her any more of that. Medicating just to medicate isn't very helpful to the chicken. :/

It's also possible for chickens to get worms from the insects they eat, as bugs are a primary carrier for wormies. I would either 1) purchase fecal float tests from a vet supply Web site OR 2) take a sample to your vet to see if they can tell if she has worms or not. Runny poop can be a sign of worms.

I don't know if your vet would charge you, but I know *some* vets will do a float for free. You should be able to drop off a sample and they will call you with the results. Granted, it's not a 100% guarantee that they will find something, but do a test for worms and coccidiosis (just in case).

How are her poops today? Is she still eating and drinking normally?

no she still has some diaherre... she only ate so far an egg, some rice .
WE had to go to other town for an appointment. so was gone over 4 hr. kept her in bathroom.
got back she wanted out... she tried to go room to room and kept trying to find a way to jump on to something "high" I had her on a top of a nice sized tote with a towel and newpaper..before I left she kept trying to do featherdusting motion for a while. She misses her feather dusting
I am sure... they usually feather dust under a big new toolshed that stays dry.... for fenced in a big area with scrren and lattice that only they can acess from the big big run....
I left on the floor plenty of water and some peanuts and pellets. looks like she ate no more... while we were gone... I had to coax her to drink...when we got back
turned off bath light after dark, all but nite light. she jumped on to a higher area, a small chest of drawers in the bathroom, S
she was trying to prob figure out how to get outside.
made her a "roost" to sit on. It is laying on the chest of drawers. she just stands up so far... at least she has settled down....
Let her fidget. You know what's best for your chicken, despite her protests. She will be fine.

Did you ever feel her abdomen?

I'd get some Valbazen (liquid goat/cattle wormer) and get ready to worm every one.

naw she only laid about 6 sized practice eggs then occ a shrunken tiny deformed egg shriveled. even though several times a week she will isit the nest box....then on poop bd some remants of tiny shelless egg the weeks ago one Fart egg. stiil have it in fridge not cracked to see whats inside....

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