3 Barred Rock Chicks, 8 Weeks old - Roos or pullets?


9 Years
Aug 30, 2013
Never had barred Rocks before. Had 3 hatch from 6 eggs but I'm a bit coonfused on these as the feathring on all 3 seems to be the lighter roo featering of the BR's but their combs don't seem to be too developed yet, I would have thought if they were roos their combs woiuld be more developed. Or is that wishful thinking? I hope atleast 1 is a pullet. Do they all look like roos in these photos? (Sorry I could not get any better shots, they would not stop running around). They are 8 and a half weeks old in these photos. Thanks.

PIC 1:

PIC 2:

PIC 3: 2 RIR that are their hatch mates. The one in the front is a clear roo, his comb is way more developed.

PIC 4:

PIC 5:

The light coloring makes me think cockerel on all of them for now, although I would expect more comb development on cockerels of this age.
Well I'm pretty sure they are pure barred rocks, the egg seller seemed genuine enough on erm...ebay.

is it possible that sometimes the pullets may have the lighter colouring depending on strain or is that just unheard of with the BR's?

One more thing maybe worth pointing out is that I'm in the UK, maybe their is a difference in UK and US strains on feathring coloration?
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Well, I have a new glimmer of hope that all 3 of my chicks may yet turn out to be pullets. It seems I've been reading all the wrong stuff about BR's, I've been taking most of my info from BYC, but it seems the American and British BR's are now very different.

"After this time, as with many other breeds, the UK and US fanciers were working in different directions and the standards for the breed in the two countries were so different, there was no point in further exchanges as they were effectively two separate breeds." http://poultrykeeper.com/chicken-breeds/plymouth-rock

I'm thinking if they have become that different now, then maybe the light feathring in my chicks makes no difference (maybe it's just normal with British BR's) and based on just the combs I may very well have all 3 pullets.

I wonder if I'm just getting my hopes up for nothing.
Here they are at 12 weeks old. I'm still not sure as their combs are not that big, except for one of them, he may be a roo, the other 2 may be pullets? Surely their combs should be much bigger at 12 weeks if they were roos? So what do you all think now?

Pic 1: Br 1 on the right (I think roo) and BR 2 on the left (I think pullet)

Pic 3: Br 2:

Pic 4: Br 2 again

Pic 5: Br 2 still:

Pic 6: and again BR 2

Pic 7:

Pic 8:

Pic 9: Br 1 in the baqck and BR 3 at the front

Pic 10: Br 1 on left and BR 3 on right

Pic 11: br 1 on left, br 3 in the middle and br 2 on right

Pic 12: same as above

Pic 13: Br 3

Pic: 14 : Br 3

Anyone? Any change of opinion with the latest photo? Maybe I have atleast 1 pullet (the one with the smallest comb)? Or am I just holding onto false hope and they are still all 3 roos based on the light colouring?

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