Layer feed to broilers


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 10, 2013
So I am thinking of buying a batch of broiler chicks, the thing is that I have a lot of layer feed, do you suppose my chicks will be okay eating that? I mean, they will get acquainted with Mr. Axe after 3 months!
I would not feed layer to broiler chicks. Even if you ignore the excess calcium, the protein is rather low. I've always fed 20% protein feed to broilers. I would also acquaint them with the axe around 8 weeks (if Cornish X).

You should ask over on the Meat Bird forum too.
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Oh but the "layer feed" I use has 25% protein in it. One is supposed to mix 50% wheat with it.

Yes, it is mostly because of the calcium. I know it would damage their organs, but wouldn't that happen in the long run rather than after 8-12 weeks? I think I have read, that someone always fed his broiler chicks with layer feed.

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