Input requested in our "rainbow pullet assortment" please :)

After comparing your suggestions I think you probably are right on the Blue Orpington's and Australorps (cool!). It doesn't show actual production reds is that close enough to the RIR's?
After comparing your suggestions I think you probably are right on the Blue Orpington's and Australorps (cool!). It doesn't show actual production reds is that close enough to the RIR's?
"Production Red" is a name given to hatchery Rhode Island Reds, because they are bred more for production than for showing. So yes, they are the Rhode Island Reds (Production Red is just a more proper name for them).
Thanks for posting this! I ordered a rainbow pullet assortment from Meyer and I will get mine next week.
I am really hoping for a nice mix. I have read that some people just get different leghorns.
What leghorns did you get? Just white?
Did you get any Easter Eggers?
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Oh I have been thinking about ordering this... Just because I want to be surprised when I open the box and get to see what breeds are what. They're soo cute! They have so many breeds there are many to choose from I'm having a problem settling on what breeds to get the kids this year. They are so sweet there. Does it seem that you have a different birds or any duplicates? How many total?
I will try to answer both BusyBearMama's and MaggieMo's questions. I am pretty thrilled with our assortment. We couldn't really decide on which breed to get and this was chosen for us with some surprises. It really made it fun for the kids and for me. I believe the consensus is 2 Easter eggers, 3 Australorps, 2 barred rocked, 2 rhode island reds, 4 white leghorns and then 2 that I am not sure of- perhaps exchequer leghorn? (15 total is the package deal). I thought we had 6 white leghorns until they started to feather out (although 2 had a little dark spot on their heads. 4 of the leghorns' new feathers are all white while 2 have feathers coming in white with a greyish black mix on them. There is only one other leghorn on Meyer hatchery: exchequer leghorns. All in all, it is a fun mix and will lead to a fun mix of eggs. I am absolutely happy we went this route.
It looks like most guesses were correct but we have 2 we thought were leg horns that have turned out much different. Any guesses now? The first one is much more grey than the picture appears.

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