Treating Marek's/viruses with BHT (Butylated hydroxytoluene)

Good on you for trying everything, I'm beginning to understand that with chickens you have to have a stockpile of knowledge on hand.

Look into hulda clarke's zapper, that's probably the theory he's using.

Great to hear he's doing a little better, it's so stressful looking after a chicken inside! I don't think anyone else needs to be sick really, I recall reading that it generally strikes the young, but it can emerge in the older ones. Maybe he was just weakened for some reason. It can be a very mysterious virus, and also it's everywhere in the environment, so likely some of them have been exposed if you got them from a breeder etc.

Re: my ISA, I think she had an egg break inside which is when I first noticed problems. I had that happen with another ISA, which led to a prolapse and an expensive vet visit which in suburbia is hideous. She seemed to recover, then she started developing neurological symptoms. At this point I had only 2 chickens left, and she and my 8 yr old houdan were inseperable. I was going away for a week and I was terrified something would happen to the ISA while I was away, so I got 5 baby houdans in case she was on her own. Anyway, she deteriorated quickly and ended up splayed in that dizzy state for a day, so we had to put her down. I'm glad it happened very quickly, though it was really tough on my older houdan. She squawked and cried like she herself was dying for days, I have never heard anything like it!

I can't say the old houdan has befriended the new chickens like she did with that ISA, though they became a flock quite quickly, all before we went away too! So it has worked out, but chickens! They're so time consuming, but fun!

I'm trying to do this all without getting the vet involved because it's $90 per visit where I live. There's no other way to get antibiotics is there??
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What a sad story for your older Houdan! I think they form deeper relationships than we realize. For antibiotics, check your local feed stores. I'm giving Duramicin right now that I bought at a feed store.

I am SO HAPPY today, Fletcher has improved again quite a bit. He took a couple of steps on his elbows. His balance is much better, though not great yet. He is taking a dust bath right now!! He hasn't done this since he got sick because he just hasn't had the balance. He has made quite a hole for himself to sit in, so I think that's helping with his balance too. He keeps rolling onto his back to get dust on his head, and he kicks his feet in the air because he isn't coordinated enough to kick them in the dirt! It's quite the spectacle but I can tell he's loving it! I'm throwing so much at him that I'm not sure what's helping the most, but I wonder if it's the BHT. Two days ago I gave him a half of a capsule (probably way too much, now that I know more), and I haven't given any since.

Even if he doesn't pull through this, I'm so happy to see him chickening around a bit more today and yesterday!

Thanks so much for your help - even though you were the one seeking help!
Maybe keep the BHT going in small doses to make sure it's still circulating. How long has he been sick?

I can see the bump on my chickens leg, but she's too fast to catch, so I haven't attended to it. I'm still mixing b vitamins into their "meatballs". I'll try catching her on the roost tonight and see how the foot is.

Lol crazy chicken people. It's a good thing!
I have amazing news! Fletcher is walking!!! He's improved so much! A couple weeks ago, he couldn't control his neck very well, or his left wing, or either leg. He sat in the splits and got his leg stuck over his head all the time. He had no balance. I had to swaddle him in a towel and prop him up if I couldn't hold him. I've been giving a few pinches of BHT, as well as Selenium, B2, Magnesium, and the Nutri Drench vitamins. He now has great neck and wing control, and very good leg control. He can pull his legs under him. Still some balance problems. He walks, but he walks on his hocks (knees). Yesterday for the first time he took a couple steps on his feet! His left foot's toes still curl, and his few steps were VERY wobbly, but he did it! He also can dust bathe (although he gets so into it that he summersaults all over the garden!), and he can preen himself again! I backed off on the dosages by half, and he started to go down hill just a bit, so I increased it by a quarter. So, I'm going to verrrry slowly back off on dosages and monitor closely.

He can go in the yard with the other chickens now, but supervised. He can't completely defend himself, of escape a bully. For when I can't supervise, he has his own chicken tractor and he talks to his hens, and the sunbath next to him! He crows now too, so I know he's feeling a lot better!!

Thank you so much for recommending BHT. I don't know if I'm causing any other harm to him, but so glad I've improved his life and given him a chance at curing this!

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