I'm new to pigeons and I have a few questions.

Cool, laughingdog.
I'm really sad right now because the fourth snake this year got one of the babies this morning. It's especially sad because the blacksnake wasn't even big enough to eat the squab, it just suffocated it. Every other snake the parents scared away and alerted us to it, and we would dispose of it. But the babies were old enough that the parents don't have to sit on them all day anymore, so they only were able to scare it away after the squab died.... :(
beautiful people i was hoping we could form sort of a group where we would share stories and info about our lovely birds. so that we all keep in touch and perhaps attract other fanciers to join in with us. and Kyla i'm sorry about the loss of the squab. but that was a lesson learnt. you will now make your loft more predator proof.
Yes, very sorry for your loss. i keep quackless muscovy ducks that act more dog or goose, then mallard not one of (they are domestic mix of tree wood etc duck, of wild muscovy, and they hate hawks weasel dogs cats and eat snakes rats etc that are bad having round pigeons (mine fine around my pet dogs cats rabbits etc, but have chased others off n fightwith ours against rest.
otherwise you'll need half inch or smaller hardware cloth/wire. keeps bugs snakes mice rats possom coon n cat etc out, dogs etc too so far I've seen n heard. better luck now next round! vinegar keeps preds etc away as well n great healthy natural cleaner.

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