Try to decide between 2 feeds...

Chicks Galore3

Artistic Bird Nut
11 Years
Dec 16, 2011
I've been getting Sprout all-flock for awhile but recently learned that my local grain elevator makes their own Layer feed.. I looked at the guaranteed analysis and the % of protein/fat/ect is basically the same, except that the Layer's fiber is 4.0% as opposed to the all flock 8.0%. Also, the Layer does not list sodium. I compared the ingredients list (*eyescross*) and they have a lot of the same, though they do have some differences. The Layer ingredients sound more natural. :p The Layer feed has animal protein, while the all flock does not. And, the Layer is $4 cheaper. :) Is there any ingredients that I should stay away from? (Or look for?) Should the lack of sodium concern me?

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