New to chickens


Apr 18, 2015
Hello everyone. My son brought home a chick this out week from school. It's about 6 weeks old. No ideas what it is. Went out yesterday and bought a coop kit. Looking for a hen or two to keep it company. Let the fun begin.
Welcome and congrats on you new chick.

You should visit the learning center - there are so many helpful articles on raising chickens.

I would suggest before getting others you study on how to integrate new chickens. Here's a link to one article :

Your new chick will be happier in a flock of 3 or more, but you will need to plan on how to get them introduced to each other to avoid problems. And it would be helpful to pick compatible breeds.

Good luck with your new adventure, feel free to ask questions, we're here to help.
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! Sunflour has given you some excellent advice and a great link to check out. The learning centre also has lots of super articles on all aspects of chicken keeping. Here is the link >
Wishing you the very best of luck with your new chick and any future ones you may get.

Be sure to ask any questions, everyone here to help and very friendly. Enjoy BYC :frow
Not sure what type it is. Not even sure if it's a male or female yet. I think it's a meat hybrid. We r planning on getting two RIRs.

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