multiple hatches in same incubator - are cabinets different?


8 Years
Jan 12, 2012
Cajun Country
I have read through many of the threads with the multiple hatch date questions. But i really did not find what I was looking for, at least I don't think. I understand the problem with humidity, close hatch dates having to open and remove chicks during hatches, and all that jazz.

So my question, cabinet bators are usually have dual hatching and incubating proposes. Most seem to be this way, so How are they different from using the smaller units , other than separating the hatching eggs to a different tray?

Do you not still have humidity issues? It does not appear they have separate compartments for temp and humidity?
Cabinets do still have the same varying humidity conditions as tabletop incubators. However, if most of the incubation is at relatively low humidity, a few days at higher humidity is not very likely to cause major issues in the subsequent batches.

I currently have four different hatch dates in my cabinet (well..I also have three days worth of stragglers on one set), I simply shift my candling days to avoid unnecessary opening during lockdown and fill the water tray so that I don't have to open it until hatch is over.
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Cabinets do still have the same varying humidity conditions as tabletop incubators. However, if most of the incubation is at relatively low humidity, a few days at higher humidity is not very likely to cause major issues in the subsequent batches.

I currently have four different hatch dates in my cabinet (well..I also have three days worth of stragglers on one set), I simply shift my candling days to avoid unnecessary opening during lockdown and fill the water tray so that I don't have to open it until hatch is over.

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