ground squirrel is eating our eggs!

Ground squirrels are not good animals to have around your coop, or home. I heard of a colony recently that has caused so much damage to a home around where I am the owners had to have the house torn down and rebuilt. They had completely destroyed the ground under the foundation that it almost looked like a sinkhole. Just not as deep. I hate having to dispatch an animal unless I'm going to eat it but rodents are fair game to me. I have tried live traps, electric fence under the ground, and electric pulses claiming to "scare away the loud mouth fur balls to no avail. I'm now on to more lethal methods. I have my cats, if I find some bull snakes, or gopher snakes I try to shivie them in the holes, and as a last resort rodenticide. I even try to relocate mice. I respect all life matter. I do not want rodents destroying my home, or making my children sick.

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