my fat quails wont lay eggs???

cory clawwell

Apr 24, 2015
OK so i have 5 Jap quails 3 female 2 male and they all get on really well. they live in a 11 x 6 m courtyard during the day and a 1.4 x 1.4 m leveled cage at night, they have plenty of hiding spots and a large pumpkin patch they are often in. they have plenty of food (normal chicken feed there breeders used) and water at all times of they day, every now and than they get vegetable and fruit scraps but that's about it.

please please help me out

Maybe they are too fat to lay eggs. When chickens are given a lot of corn - they get fatter but, usually don't lay well. Probably because their diet is out of balance. They need to be on their nutritional layer feed.

If you go to Other Backyard Poultry, forum you will find threads regarding quail - the folks there may be able to explain why you aren't getting eggs.

Have they ever laid eggs for you? Are they old enough to do so?
glad you have joined us.

Do consider posting the question under the Quail forum to get experienced input. But agree with OP may be laying in a hiding place or not ready to lay.
Welcome to BYC!

Quail are pretty little birds but I haven't ever raised any. Hope you're enjoying them and they lay soon for you.

Good luck!

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