Ranger feed from hatch to slaughter


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 30, 2013
Frederick, Maryland
I have my first batch of meat chickens coming next week- 10 Red Rangers. I have been scouring the threads for feed advice but am having trouble finding what I'm looking for.

What do you feed your rangers as chicks- regular Chick starter? I also have some new layers coming- it would be nice to brood them together for at least the first couple weeks.

I have read some people start Rangers on regular starter and some start on a different protein level than layer starter.
Some people also switch the protein % several times from hatch to slaughter, ranging from 18-30% at different stages in their lives.

I plan to grow them in a tractor which will be moved regularly/daily. I may let them out to free range a larger area (as I do my layers) for portions of the day.

Any advice would be helpful!!

Thanks in advance!
I have my first batch of meat chickens coming next week- 10 Red Rangers.  I have been scouring the threads for feed advice but am having trouble finding what I'm looking for.  

What do you feed your rangers as chicks- regular Chick starter?  I also have some new layers coming- it would be nice to brood them together for at least the first couple weeks.  

I have read some people start Rangers on regular starter and some start on a different protein level than layer starter.  
Some people also switch the protein % several times from hatch to slaughter, ranging from 18-30% at different stages in their lives.

I plan to grow them in a tractor which will be moved regularly/daily.  I may let them out to free range a larger area (as I do my layers) for portions of the day.

Any advice would be helpful!!

Thanks in advance!

Hi.we raised some Cornish cross meat chickens last spring, and we just had them on meatbird their whole life.
Thanks, CrazyChickenLady! That's easy

I've raised both Freedom Rangers and Red Rangers as well as heritage egg layers. The feed store I use changed from a chick starter, chick grower and broiler finisher line to one that has a "pullet start and grow" and then either layer feed or broiler finisher. I suppose you could feed everyone something similar if you have it available at your local store and then when you separate them, you can switch their feed to something different for the different types of bird.

That said, I know that both Freedom Rangers and CX do best if they have a slightly higher protien percentage during their first weeks than is in your standard chick starter. I tend to feed my Freedom Rangers a mix of the "start and grow" and "turkey and game bird starter" to try to give them that protien boost during their first week or two. I don't know if higher protien will be a bad thing for your layers or not.

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