what predator am I dealing with

yeah if I could afford a couple that's what I'd do. Whatever it is is pretty brave. The backyard isn't very big, from the backdoor to the end of the fence is only about 20ft or so, with half of it lit up by the garage lights.
Yeah, cameras can be pretty pricey and the night predators are quite bold.
I was working on one building at night with the lights on and the radio in the coop playing the ball game when I came in the house for a while. A mink went into another coop across the yard and killed a hen with all that going on.

For cameras, this is where I got mine.

For traps, if it is a raccoon, these duke type leg traps work very well.

But when you trap them, others will come to replace them.
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The foot trap I have checked out before believe I WILL be putting one one of them in the yard with the ducks and a regular leg trap outside for a possible fox. As I live in town what will be the best way to dispatch of caught predator without a gun?
A big trashcan filled with water. That's what MO Dept. of Conservation told me to do.
You could also use a bow and arrow.
Be aware that using a leg trap means you'll have to get close and familiar with a vicious animal.
Luckily I have a catch pole.
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