Is it too late?


7 Years
Jul 14, 2014
I recently ordered hatching eggs through the mail.They came in on Saturday 5/23 but due to storms the power has been out until today. Is there a chance these eggs might still be good? All help will be appreciated.
As long as you haven't started incubating them yet, I think they should still be fine.
No problem, keep in mind most birds lay one egg a day then sit on the nest so if there are 9 eggs in the nest one is 9 days old.
While fresher is better when setting eggs, hatchability doesn't fall off the edge of the Earth until the eggs reach 14 days old.
If you've kept your shipped eggs in the dark and at about 55 degrees while turning them 3 or 5 times a day you should still get some viable eggs. Hatching shipped eggs however is a hit or miss proposition. More miss than hit in my opinion. You do have one advantage however, that is that your eggs have had time to rest and settle down. GOOD LUCK.

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