Integrating new chicks????? Advice please


6 Years
May 9, 2015
I am new to chickens and have a question on integration. I have been reading up, but would still like some advise. We have six14 week old pullets. We bought 3 new chicks about 1 1/2 months ago. We just couldn't seem to help ourselves. ( we actually bought 4, but one was a rooster, and we had to bring him back. He was crowing at 3 weeks old!). Any way, babies are now out of the brooder.. My hubby made a temporary addition to the coop, with a small run underneath, so we could get the babies outside, and all the chickens could see each other during the day while in their runs through the hardware cloth. We will let them out of the coops to free range in the yard together and the big girls always pick on the babies.. My question is, how long until we can finally combine the coops together and the chickens? The babies don't have that much run space, and so i was wondering.
You can combine any aged chicks with the flock of adults if you use the panic room system. It can be a simple, temporary enclosure within the run, and it has openings that only the chicks can fit through. The chicks will learn in less than a day that they can come and go from their panic room and they're safe inside.

In the rest of the run, it helps to have lots of stuff the chicks can hop on, behind, or under to shake a bully on the chase. The chicks learn the pecking order quickly and with a reasonable amount of safety.
so, since the 2 "coops" are attached, we could possibly make a "door" that only the smaller ones can run through so they can go back to their place until they are integrated and part of the flock?
Yes, that would work. I advise more than one entrance, though. My first time merging chicks with adults, I had a bully that would station herself at the one entrance and block the chicks from coming inside. I created a second pop hole on the spot while the bully watched. Then I taught the chicks to use whichever entrance she wasn't guarding. Chicks are pretty smart and learn fast.
The bottom runs are what connect the coop and the addition. It is about 4 feet wide at the point of connection.. I could probably make 2 small doors somehow.. thanks.
Better to go farther apart or separated somehow. A single chicken could guard 2 holes within 4 feet of each other. If you have to do it in the space of the shared run, install a barrier that Bully Chicken would have to go around to attack the second opening or to block the view of comings and goings.

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