Dowel size for roost?


Jun 14, 2015
West Central Florida
My husband purchased 1/2 inch dowels for our girls to roost on....they aren't using them. Are they too small? If so, what size is good. I have 2 Buffs, 1 BSL and 1 Ameraucana.
When chickens roost in trees they usually perch on 1-2" branches. 1/2" dowel would likely be too slick and small to be comfortable.
Yes that seems to be the thing to use these days. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's noticed that chickens cover their feet just as well when perched on a tree limb

1/2" is for parakeets. If the roost has any kind of span at all, a full grown hen will snap that small piece of wood. I used 2X4"s for my coop, wide side up, sitting in notches, so they are easily removed for cleaning/maintenance.

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