Trouble with snakes


12 Years
Apr 22, 2010
Sumter SC
I've always had a problem with snakes eating eggs, but lately it has gone way beyond that. I recently sold 31 of my Serama bantams. I had too many to keep up with! They stay in a huge walk in chicken yard with double netting on top. They sleep on roosts that are in a open ended shelter that I built them. We recently killed a 5 1/2 foot brown water snake so I know out snakes are BIG.
Also they are real bad this year all over the county.

Twice in the last month, I've found a little pullet dead in the morning from snake strangulation. You all know how that looks, I'm sure. Their heads all the way to the bottom of the neck was slick with saliva and still wet. They died while the snake attempted to swallow them whole. What a way to die. I am low on hens now and can't let this happen again so I just bring them in to the porch in cages at night, now. I'm sure the poor things were asleep when the *$#!!& snake slithered up to the roost.

I will take any and all advice about getting rid of snakes.


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