Injured Mallard Duck-possible hip injury


In the Brooder
Jun 27, 2015
One of my female mallards (full grown) seems to have hurt her hip today. She was fine this morning but when I returned in the afternoon to check on her I noticed she was limping. I checked her foot and it looks perfectly normal. Her leg doesn't feel broken and I don't see any swelling. My guess is she has a hip injury. I am new to raising ducks and this is my first injured experience. I am trying to avoid a vet bill but it may resort to that. Any ideas, suggestions as to what may be the problem or any suggestions on how I can help her?
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Welcome to BYC!

Sounds like your duck could have a niacin deficiency. Is she getting brewers yeast? Could she have spraddle leg? You can cure both of these problems, but it might be wise to put her in a crate or pen where she can get easy access to food and water.

Best of luck!
She is full
Welcome to BYC!

Sounds like your duck could have a niacin deficiency. Is she getting brewers yeast? Could she have spraddle leg? You can cure both of these problems, but it might be wise to put her in a crate or pen where she can get easy access to food and water.

Best of luck!
She is full grown so we don't give her Brewers yeast anymore. I am thinking she may have triped or hurt herself getting into her pool. It's a regular kiddy pool so they have to climb up to get into it. This all happened very suddenly. She was fine this morning then this afternoon she had this limp.
If its just a limp then she should get better soon.
She is full grown so we don't give her Brewers yeast anymore. I am thinking she may have triped or hurt herself getting into her pool. It's a regular kiddy pool so they have to climb up to get into it. This all happened very suddenly. She was fine this morning then this afternoon she had this limp.
Are there drakes in the flock? Sometimes mating can seriously injure a duck.

I would give her time in a lukewarm tub of water so she can float and paddle, it improves circulation and gets the weight off. hennible's vet said it's okay to give a tiny bit of ibuprofen to ducks for pain.

A note on pain killers for ducks. Straight from the vets mouth, ducks can have Advil.
For ducks 6-8 lbs 25-40mg twice daily adult tablets cut up or children's liquid Advil 1.5ml twice daily, orally.

arithmetic – 8 pounds 40 mg is 5 mg per pound
6 pounds 25 mg, is just over 4 mg per pound

so, 4 to 5 mg per pound of duck

It is important to know how much the duck weighs, so as not to overdose.
Yes we have 3 females and 1 male. I have noticed that he has been tying to mate with them so that's probably what happened. I cannot think of any reason for her injury.
I think it was your drake that got a little too rough with her. As you probably know ducks can be pretty cruel when mating. The fact that she was fine then not, I think proves this a little more. I'd just put her somewhere stress free by herself with food, water and a bed and she should be just fine. If she stops walking and eating then you should be worried.
Sometimes putting the drake into timeout changes things, sometimes not - but for her right now I would definitely give her a rest from him - let her float in lukewarm water - watch her closely as she is injured - but the floating takes weight off the legs and supports the back, and relaxes muscles.

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