Is there anything I can do to stimulate feather growth?


8 Years
May 24, 2011
I have a chocolate orpington chick that just won't grow feathers on it's back/rump. My two other chocolate orps are fully feathered and my two lavender orps and my blue cochin that are about a week and a half younger than this chick are almost fully feathered too. I'm worried about moving them out to a coop if he doesn't have feathers but it took me forever to integrate them into one flock and I would really hate to separate them just to go through it again. At first I thought maybe it was just a roo, but my other chick (which is without a doubt a rooster) has all his feathers. I'm just wondering if there is anything I can feed it to give its feathers a boost. It's the largest chick I have and it is active, over all seems really healthy, it just won't grow any feathers.
Since he is the biggest chick, might he be allocating resources towards growth rather than feathers? I would keep him with the flock, he can snuggle with the others for warmth and is probably well adjusted to his condition.

He will likely feather soon enough. You can supplement him with chopped boiled egg to increase his animal protein intake.

Disclaimer: Not a chicken expert.
My flock had some pecking issues where others would pluck feathers off of others. Some were pretty bad where it was apparent on their head but they grew back their head feathers once they developed their pecking order and the ones being pecked weren't pecked as much anymore.
If you have a light on them, lowering the temperature will stimulate feather growth, and extra protein intake like BlackBriars said. Hard Boiled egg is good.
"Floor feathers" and super glue? Just kidding, you might try some "feather fixer" 18%, available at most feed stores such as farm&fleet or tractor supply, where she got ours for an overpecked hen she rescued. Her (the 'frizzle' hen) is really looking so much better now after being pecked practically bald. She's growing in much faster than I expected. Be forewarned though, this stuff stinks like the strongest multi-vitamin you can imagine. *whew* I don't see how the smell doesn't drive them away!

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