I chickened out!?

Everyone has to find the way that works best for them. I cut a hole in the corner of a feed sack and then hold the bird upside down until it goes to "sleep". Then I place the bird in the sack with its head sticking out of the hole and wrap the sack around it fairly tightly while continuing to hold the bird upside down. Then I sit down in a lawn chair with a bucket between my feet and the chickens head in the bucket and cut the side of the throat, continuing to hold the chicken while it bleeds out. The whole thing only takes a few minutes and everything stays pretty calm. I take that time to thank the chicken for providing quality food for my family. I have not tried a cone, I assume it would work much the same way. My one time with an ax was a disaster and I haven't tried that method again.

I am interested to hear about the Freedom Rangers, maybe I will try them next for meat birds. Right now I have 25 or so 19 week old dual purpose birds (Welsummer, Jersey Giants, Black Langshans, SG Dorkings) that are scheduled for freezer camp next weekend. I have to admit they still seem pretty scrawny compared to what we are used to from the market. I am hoping the flavor is there. Chickens from the market are large but really pretty tasteless. I won't mind the smaller size if the flavor is good. The problem children I culled at 12 weeks were very tender & tasty.

Good luck to you, I hope everything works out!

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