55 flowery

  1. M

    55 Flowery? Cockerel?

    I purchased a single 55 Flowery chick and now after looking at pictures of other chicks of this breed, I'm wondering if that is in fact what it is. It doesn't look like any other pictures I have seen, which also makes it hard for me to sex it. Any thoughts?
  2. Raptorchick

    Blue-laying flowery ?

    I'm new to chickens, about 2 years in now, I just have a question for funsies. I recently ordered a mixed batch of eggs, three of which were 55 Flowery, and they were huge round eggs (all three bigger than average). First question, is that normal for 55 flowery? I also have a few cream legbars...
  3. VyeFye


    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am brand spanking new to chickens. I have two pullets that are almost 6 weeks old and 3 chicks that are a week old. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 5. See also, not enough. (3) What breeds do you have? I have a...
  4. HinterlandHomestead

    Jumping in feet first!

    I started with a small flock of 6 birds about 8months ago. Now I have 12 assorted birds for my family coop and am looking to start raising some pure breeds and maybe rare breeds! Starting with Black Copper Marans and 55 Flower Hens arriving in 2 weeks. Thankfully my husband is one board and my 4...
  5. Raisingmsdaisy


    Hi just a quick introduction! I never did this when I first became a member. I am in Northern Colorado near Ft. Collins. I have about 80 chickens during the spring summer and fall then I process my meat growouts throughout the summer, fall and early winter. Then I carry a flock of about 35...
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