
  1. WallyBirdie

    Integrating Juveniles

    I have an adult male and female guinea. I had a small flock but gradually lost a the others over the years. Those two have been alone for a while and while they do fine together, they'd likely do better in a group. I picked up 6 keets and raised them in a brooder, then put them in a temporary...
  2. Knepper

    Ancona ducks and other breeds?

    My precious male pete passed away. Its been very very hard for me and for his mate. He was a very gentle boy so i worry about getting her another male who may be agressive... she was more of petes protector than the other way around. Should i get her a duck of the same breed? And should i get...
  3. JoshuaBurke

    What breed of chicken do I have?

    What breed of chicken do I have? Thanks in advance! :wee:jumpy:welcome
  4. C

    Looking for Hamburg and Wyandotte chickens

    Looking for Hamburg (bantam and standard) chickens for sale. -eggs, chicks or adults Also looking for Wyandotte bantams chickens for sale. -eggs, chicks or adults Please let me know what vareities you have available.
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