
  1. Laila992

    How many times can I give Beryls Friendly bacteria?

    Hi Everyone, I've recently ordered Beryl's friendly bacteria as it looks like allergy season has struck one of my roosters and giving him some respiratory issues. I see a lot of people raving about it so figured I'd try that before giving him antibiotics. I have 5 chickens in total and 1...
  2. Ashleys backyard farm

    Swollen earlobes on 5 week old chick

    Hi there! I always get the best help from the byc community, so I wanted to ask for y’all’s help here. I have a batch of 9 chicks around 5-6 weeks of age and one in particular just started showing swollen earlobes. The weather here is really nice but the oak pollen came upon us suddenly so I’m...
  3. CloneFly

    Swollen Eyes

    Last night I noticed my 9month old EE's eyes were a bit swollen with the surrounding area red. I did notice an old peck mark far above her eye, but it's almost completely healed up; though she is towards the bottom of the "Coop System" lol. Besides the swelling, she's eating/drinking normally...
  4. Djripke78

    Rooster isn’t responding to treatments

    We have a 7 year old giant white Cochin rooster named Hank. For about 12 months we have been struggling with him over-grooming and pulling out his feathers. A few of the hens had started pecking on him, especially on his feet and the tops of his wings. We initially thought the damage to the...
  5. Rootie

    Allergic to hay

    Hi friends. I am super allergic to hay, have been my whole life. I have an 8x12 Barn, which is raised off the ground I am building for a chicken coop. They will have a separate run. This question is just for the barn floor. Any suggestions as to what to use on the floor? I really want to use...
  6. Lbkilby


    I have three ladies that are three months old. I've had them since they were a week old. Since I've had them they have sneezed. They're growing, eating, acting normal but they sneeze all the time. No discharge, no swelling, no drooping, no lethargy. Wondering if our dry Colorado weather/all the...
  7. Kenzi Green Design

    Baby Chick With Allergies?

    So I hatched my one chick from an incubator and ever since I can remember he has sneezed. I tried changing out the shavings in the brooder but that didn’t help. He eats, drinks, chirps, and breathes all completely normal. He’s about 3 weeks old now. His girlfriend does not sneeze and they live...
  8. WallyBirdie

    Allergic to my Budgies?

    When I was a kid, I was allergic to everything, including animal dander and birds- a tiny and shallow scratch from a chihuahua once had me hospitalized with a blood transfusion (later learned that it was due to a blood disorder). But I've always kept animals. I just take allergy meds as needed...
  9. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Chickens Occasionally Sneezing Clear, Watery Fluid

    Not sure if this is normal, but I've noticed some of my chickens sneeze easily, particularly in the evening and/or right after eating something moist like watermelon or mash. It's generally the 3-4 same chickens out of seven. When they get sneezy it looks like a clear, watery substance that...
  10. MisaF

    2 or 8 chickens seem congested for past few months

    Hi all, I have an interesting issue or maybe it's not an issue, I really don't know which is why I'm here! I have 8 orpingtons (2 english lavender and 6 more Americanized buffs) and 2 ducks. For the past few months the two lavenders have sounded a little congested. They have no nasal discharge...
  11. katie1313

    I think my chick has allergies!

    Hi all! I had a hatch in September 2018 and all came out fine except this one little guy. He came out sneezing, has a little puffy face, struggles for air. I didn’t put him down thinking he would get over it. Now, almost 5 months later, he is still sneezy and struggles for air, though not as...
  12. stargraham

    which wood chips are ok to use for new chicks, help?

    which wood chips are ok to use with new chicks? all our feed stores have stopped carrying the medium size and just have the fine 'horse' almost dust.....I thought the fine or dustlike were dangerous to little lungs!!! help, thanks Star at Chicken Scratch Farm in Alvord, Texas
  13. N

    Chicken has been breathing weird for a month now..

    Around April 4th one of my hens started having trouble breathing, out of all 9 of the hens she was the only one with issues. I separated her immediately when I noticed this but that was a month ago. She hasn’t produced any eggs either within the month and hasn’t had any progress with breathing...
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