ameraucana chicks

  1. T

    2-week EE chicks

    A whole mix of happy little babies. i know what some of them are but most are EEs. below: golden-laced (wyandotte?) EE. one of the biggest chicks, almost as big as the turkey poults. super pretty and friendly. below left: male cream legbar below right: female cream legbar below...
  2. President_ChickenGirl

    Chick with wry neck?

    I just got 8 ameraucana chicks, they are about 2 days old. One of them (the lightest gray in the pictures) eats and pecks around normally, but when it goes to drink, it tilts its head way far back and falls over almost every time. I looked it up and a few different things said it could be wry...
  3. nekocafe

    Stumped on these few

    I have four 6 week old chicks that I got as straight run black ameraucanas. 2 black & 2 were supposed to be splash but they look more blue. I need help figuring out whether they’re hens or roos please. Some have tails, short tails, almost no tails, muffs, and no muffs. So confused, haha. The red...
  4. Kecobb

    Easter Egger? Ameraucanas?

    Hey yall! Need some help. This is our second batch of layers and all new breeds to me. They're supposed to be Easter Eggers, Ameraucanas and Buff Orpingtons. What I was told were EE are drastically larger than the others (same age), have blue legs and have the puffy cheeks. The "Ameraucanas"...
  5. W

    ISO Self Blue Ameraucana Chicks in TN

    I have been wanting self blue/lavender Ameraucanas for forever! A friend gave me 2 hens that I love so much! I want more though, and am hoping somebody near Cookeville, Tennessee has some for sale(or hatching eggs). If not, Is there anyone somewhere else that will ship chicks? Thanks!
  6. Redhousecoops

    Question for ameraucana breeders

    Hello! I know it’s hard to tell just off a chick.BUT If you over incubated a bunch of ameraucanas had to let some go without waiting to grow them out what qualities do you look for in the chicks?
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