arizona quail

  1. T

    New quail farmer!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We have quail! We brought home 351 quail today. One or two casualties in the transport but that's farming. Most are happy and healthy. SIL is a vet and helped us patch up one hen and she's doing well now. (2) How many chickens do...
  2. MissPeep

    Raising Coturnix Quail in Arizona

    I have four Coturnix quail that are ready to go into their hutch. I’ve never raised them before and I'm wondering if the hutch can be outside here in southern Arizona or if it needs to be on a covered patio or even inside the house. This photo is the setup I built, but the hutch is easily moved...
  3. MissPeep

    New Chicken and Quail mom 👋🏻

    Hi there! I’m a new chicken chicken and quail mom living in southern Arizona. I’ve had chickens since January and this is my first time raising birds. Right now I have a total of 12 chicks in a variety of breand 4 quail. My current breeds are Production red, Easter Egger, Sapphire, Buff Silkie...
  4. C

    Best Quail Bedding for Hot environment.

    My quail are in a ground pen but I live in Arizona. The ground right now is just dirt which they seem to love. They make little holes and sleep in them. It’s starting to get a little smelly so do I get more dirt and cover it to start making compost? I’ve heard pine chips are too warm, would sand...
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