
  1. M

    Help! Chicken Aspirated while draining sour crop!

    Hello all, I’m new to raising chickens. My girls are only 16 weeks old. I need help. The last 24 hours, I noticed that my French Black Copper Maran had a ballooned crop that felt squishy. Tonight when doing evening chores, I picked her up to see how her crop felt and liquid came out of her...
  2. NinjaGamer2022

    EMERGENCY: Hen aspirated liquid vitamin supplement. Hen also has SEVERE vent prolapse, advice greatly appreciated.

    My beloved hen developed vent prolapse 3-4 days ago. At first it wasn't too bad, for the first two days I gave her warm bathes for 10 mins, then I would try and lead her inners back inside her fro 10 mins, then I would put pertroliem jelly all over her vent and inners. For litter I've been using...
  3. S

    Dog attack, crop impaction, and respiratory issues

    Here is my previous post about Val’s dog attack. The saga continues! She’s been doing well after having her egg removed. Some feathers are growing back but the worst wounds are still healing and scabbed up. I’ve let her outside a few times in short visits to be a chicken, she seems good. BUT...
  4. T

    Sour Crop Aspirated - What do I do?

    Hi everyone, My 4-5yr old Bantam hen, Cricket, has been poorly for a couple of weeks. She'd be lethargic and not interested in food, then a couple of hours later be back to normal. I went out to feed her flock yesterday, and she was barely moving, and kept coughing/sneezing. I put her straight...
  5. P

    Hen won't stop drinking water (recovering chicken)

    Hi all, First time owner, first time poster. My fiance and I inherited chickens from the house we just moved to. One of them, Little Bear, got bumblefoot and I took her to the vet. This was the 1st. We were given all the meds but because of COVID, I wasn't allowed in to see how to administer...
  6. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Help! How do I Know if Hen Aspirated?

    I'm currently treating a hen for EYP. The vet prescribed oral, liquid anti-inflammatory. She fought while giving it, and unfortunately I think she aspirated some. She gurgled, coughed and sneezed a few times (within the span of 30 seconds). It could only have been 1/8 cc or even less that was...
  7. R

    Hen has sour crop and has aspirated.. Anything I can do?

    Hello, I have a Rhode Island Red hen that literally showed up on my doorstep 3 years ago. She was already full grown and laying. Seemed very healthy. She has never had any issues with health until recently. This past January (3 months ago), she became very lethargic, wouldn't eat or drink...
  8. L

    Sour crop, aspiration, gasping...

    My year old silkie Pepper has sour crop for the 3rd time. Today is day 4 but only 18hrs on Nilstat. This morning she aspirated some of the sour liquid that she purged as I picked her up. She's gasping and occasionally coughing/sneezing. I know how bad aspiration can be but is there any hope...
  9. Ranitameya

    duck in respiratory distress

    Please help! I successfully treated this duck for ascites for several months, but now she is gasping (pressure on organs?) and all I got out was a blood clot when I tried to drain her this time!
  10. BigMoma3

    Help asap! Sick hen with possible aspiration

    Sorry this is quite a story and I'm new to the group. Everyone I've asked in person (including a farm vet) has given me a different answer, but I'm desperate and going to try one more time so here goes... 4 days ago I noticed my 2 year old RIR hen was lethargic and not wanting to walk. I...
  11. Carolrich

    Oral antibiotic aspiration

    Dear friends, It has been some time since I last posted. Some of you may recall Stanley, our one-eyed rooster. He is now about 32 weeks old. 3 weeks ago he began limping and we could not determine anything apparently wrong with his leg or foot. He kept on limping but was eating and pooping just...
  12. N

    Sick chicken! Maybe sour crop? EMERGENCY!!

    We have 3 Isa Brown hens that are about 3.5 years old now (we lost one last Christmas to a mysterious illness). Last night, one of the girls, Kiev, was standing in a bush looking disoriented when the other two were going to bed. I was only slightly concerned so I just picked her up and put her...
  13. chickmamat

    VIDEO, please help! Respiratory obstruction in baby chick?

    Here is the link to the video. You can hear her exhale sounds sounds blocked or labored. She is acting, eating and drinking fine. She’s been doing this for a few days. Not constantly but pretty frequently. I notice it especially when she’s drinking. She is growing much slower than my other...
  14. Saaniya


    Today we were giving oral drop of vitamins to my rooster and maybe a tiny drop goes in his airways or wrong pipe don't know .. But after that he start a sneezing runny a bit often (for 2-3 times) Back normal in 5 minutes .. Running playing eating Is this is aspiration???
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